The church is about to enter into a season of persecution, which in a way is similar to what the early church went through at the beginning. 

Just as Jesus faced two major threats to his life: The first one came from Herod just after his  birth. He had to flee Jerusalem and go to Egypt for some years.

The second one came at the end of His earthly ministry, in his 30s, leading to his crucifixion. It is this second persecution that ushered him into His Glory.

The Body of Christ has a similar pathway. When the church was a baby, it faced a threat from the devil, which led the church to flee Jerusalem and go hide into the world. But as the church matures and nears its glorification, it must face another persecution, leading to its death, resurrection, ascension and glorification. 

Continue reading “UNDERSTANDING THE MIND OF CHRIST – PART 1 – To Die Is Gain”

Does God Punish Children For The Sins Of Their Fathers?


God declares to Ezekiel that he does not punish the fathers for their children’s sins, and does not punish the children for their fathers’ sins. Yet when we go through the bible, we encounter many scriptures where God himself seems to be punishing people for the sins of their fathers.

Is this a contradiction within God, or are we misunderstanding his ways?

There are two main principles that we shall look at

  1. The Principle of Agreement
  2. The Punishment of Sin vs the Consequence of Sin.

We shall then look at the verses that seem to contradict what God says to Ezekiel, and we shall see that they don’t contradict but actually affirm the principle that God punishes every man for their own wickedness. God does not punish the righteous along with the wicked.

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As I finished the teaching on ANOTHER GOSPEL, a brother asked me the question, What is the True Gospel? This indeed is a crucial question. Considering that the bible says that if any man or even an angel from heaven comes and preaches ANOTHER gospel which is different from the one preached at the beginning, then that man must be accursed.  

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Christians and The Sabbath


I am writing this presentation in response to a question asked by a brother from Paraguay.

The subject of the sabbath is very controversial and it has extremes on every side. On one end you have preachers who have made sabbath keeping a salvation issue, telling saints that if they break the sabbath they are sinning against God and will not enter heaven. This is wrong. On the other hand, we have preachers who say that the sabbath has no place in the life of a Christian and on yet another side, you have churches that keep their own Sunday sabbath.

Let us go into the scriptures to rightly divide the word of truth.

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The bible is clear that people who are unrighteous will not have any inheritance in the kingdom of God. So the question is simple, does not having an inheritance mean you can still be in heaven but with no rewards at all. 


New Covenant Law


The New Covenant in Christ is a very unique covenant that works in very unique ways. In my teaching on the four Covenants of the bible, I looked at the Noahic Covenant (A covenant of Grace), the Abrahamic Covenant (A covenant of Faith), The Mosaic Covenant (A covenant of Works) and finally the New Covenant (A covenant of peace.)

This presentation aims to address questions concerning the New Covenant Law.

The New Testament clearly tells us that we are not under the law, yet we find the apostles telling us not to commit adultery, and not to steal. If the old covenant law is not relevant for people under the new covenant, how are they determining what sin is and is not? In the midst of much contention and disputes among churches, the ordinary believer wants to know, what exactly is God’s standard for righteousness? How do I know and live the life that pleases him?

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The Covenant of Christ vs The Previous Three

There is a common misconception that Abraham lived according to the new covenant or (New Testament). There is also a tendency by some people to treat the New Covenant as an extension of the Old. This comes from a misunderstanding of firstly what a covenant is, and secondly what The New Covenant is.

In order to show the difference more clearly, I have to show the four main covenants of the bible.

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The Foundations of the Church

The question often arises of when exactly the church of Jesus Christ started. To some the answer is simple, but we still need to lay a bible based foundation of when the church started.

Some believe the church started in Eden, and all righteous people who lived by faith in the coming Christ, upto today, were part of the church. Some believe it started with Moses, and the New Testament only grafted the gentiles into a church that was already there. Then we have others who believe the church started after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, most popularly, at pentecost when the baptism of the spirit came.

These different views stem from different understanding of what the church is, what the New Testament is and what salvation is. This can lead to a lot of error, and so it has become necessary for me to write this teaching, on the foundations of the church.

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By Charles P. Mawungwa


The Bible tells us that all kinds of sins and blasphemies can be forgiven except for one, The unforgivable sin, which is the sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. But how does one blaspheme the Holy Spirit? If someone says, “such a prophet is a false prophet” and it turns out that he was a true prophet, is that blaspheming the Holy Spirit? If someone says, “the Holy Spirit is evil and not God”, is that blaspheming the Holy Spirit?

Many people, including me, have been accused by Satan of committing this sin, simply because they did not have enough scriptural understanding of what it is and how one commits it.

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