This question concerning the role of women in the church is one of the most divisive within the body of Christ. Some denominations have split and others  founded based sorely on the role of women in the church.

When approaching a doctrinal issue like this I like to employ two main principles.

  1.  The Whole Counsel of the word  – This means that we don’t build a doctrine on a single verse. We must first go over the whole bible from Genesis to Revelation and consider everything that God says and does, and all the examples that God gives us in relation to that doctrine.
  2.  Preserve the harmony of the scripture  – The bible does not contradict itself so we never interpret one scripture in a way that contradicts other scriptures. We must maintain the harmony of the scriptures.

The Virtue of Suffering

  (By Charles P. Mawungwa)  


Is it God’s will for us his children to go through poverty, trials, tribulations, sicknesses and different forms of suffering on earth, and if so, why? This is the main question that we shall answer in this teaching.

In the most absolute sense God does not want for any of us to go through any pain at all, but as we go through the scriptures, you will see that there are times when God will bring and allow different forms of suffering in our lives in order to save our souls and grow our spirits; in order to build us, to protect us and to perfect us.

We are going look at 5 reasons why God allows his children to go through suffering: 1) To save your Soul, 2) To build your character 3) To Destroy the refuge of lies 4) To discipline those he loves and 5) To reveal himself to you.

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The bible is clear that people who are unrighteous will not have any inheritance in the kingdom of God. So the question is simple, does not having an inheritance mean you can still be in heaven but with no rewards at all. 


Was Caleb a ‘Gentile’ or ‘Israelite’

Joshua 14:14 (NIV)

14 So Hebron has belonged to Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite ever since, because he followed the LORD, the God of Israel, wholeheartedly.

Caleb, is recorded as the son of Jephunneh, the Kenizzite: Considering that in Genesis 15, Abraham is given the Kenizzites as one of the Canaanite tribes that must be removed, does that mean Caleb was actually a Canaanite?

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New Covenant Law


The New Covenant in Christ is a very unique covenant that works in very unique ways. In my teaching on the four Covenants of the bible, I looked at the Noahic Covenant (A covenant of Grace), the Abrahamic Covenant (A covenant of Faith), The Mosaic Covenant (A covenant of Works) and finally the New Covenant (A covenant of peace.)

This presentation aims to address questions concerning the New Covenant Law.

The New Testament clearly tells us that we are not under the law, yet we find the apostles telling us not to commit adultery, and not to steal. If the old covenant law is not relevant for people under the new covenant, how are they determining what sin is and is not? In the midst of much contention and disputes among churches, the ordinary believer wants to know, what exactly is God’s standard for righteousness? How do I know and live the life that pleases him?

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A Summary of Church History


There is nothing new under the sun. Quite often we find that many of the ‘new’ revelations arising today, are not new at all, and many of the problems faced by the church today have been faced before. The bible warns time and again, that in the last days the church would fall away, so it is therefore necessary to look back and gain an understanding of where the church started and how it as arrived to where it is.

In the following presentation I am going to give a summary of the history of the church. I will try and include source references to the information so that whoever is following can verify the information for themselves.

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The Covenant of Christ vs The Previous Three

There is a common misconception that Abraham lived according to the new covenant or (New Testament). There is also a tendency by some people to treat the New Covenant as an extension of the Old. This comes from a misunderstanding of firstly what a covenant is, and secondly what The New Covenant is.

In order to show the difference more clearly, I have to show the four main covenants of the bible.

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The Foundations of the Church

The question often arises of when exactly the church of Jesus Christ started. To some the answer is simple, but we still need to lay a bible based foundation of when the church started.

Some believe the church started in Eden, and all righteous people who lived by faith in the coming Christ, upto today, were part of the church. Some believe it started with Moses, and the New Testament only grafted the gentiles into a church that was already there. Then we have others who believe the church started after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, most popularly, at pentecost when the baptism of the spirit came.

These different views stem from different understanding of what the church is, what the New Testament is and what salvation is. This can lead to a lot of error, and so it has become necessary for me to write this teaching, on the foundations of the church.

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Melchizedek vs Christ


Melchizedek is certainly one of the most mysterious figures of the bible. While some have concluded that he is a Christophany, or appearance of Jesus before the incarnation, others feel it does not matter which ever way. The concept of our salvation is based on the identity of Jesus as Christ the Lord and Son of God.

If we believe that Melchizedek is Jesus Christ, then inadvertently, when we worship Jesus Christ, we are at the same time worshipping Melchizedek.

Just as those who believe that the Angel of the Lord is Jesus Christ, what that means is that when they worship Jesus, by extension, they are also worshipping the Angel of the Lord.

If you are wrong in your understanding of who Christ is, it may ultimately affect certain areas of your faith, or serve as basis to other more dangerous doctrines. 

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The Seven Mountains of The Lamb


The devil’s kingdom is designed to copy and challenge the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Within the book of revelation, we can never fully understand the symbolism of the dragon, beast and harlot until we understand the revelation of the father, the son and the church.

In Revelation 17, we are told that the woman Great Babylon sits upon a seven headed beast and the seven heads represent seven mountains which are also seven kings. 

In order to fully understand the Seven Mountains of the Beast, we need to first look at the seven mountains of the Lamb.

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