
The greatest point of hope for Christians all over the world is in the coming of Christ. Before Jesus left the earth, he left his followers with a promise of his return. But there are so many questions that people have.

What are the signs of his coming? will the church see the antichrist? What happens to those people who are left behind? where will people go after rapture? And How will God judge the world?

This booklet is a summarised outline of the end times. If you desire a more detailed analysis of the topics presented here, you can request the full comprehensive book, ‘The Coming of Christ by Charles P. Mawungwa.’

Continue reading “The END TIMES”

THREE GREAT TRIBULATIONS – Part 3 (The Three great Tribulations)


This is a continuation of a series. If you have not read part 1 and 2 I encourage you to go through those first.

One of the biggest questions in eschatology is whether rapture will take place before tribulation, during the tribulation or after the tribulation. All answers are correct in part and all answers are wrong in part. There are actually three great tribulations. The Great Tribulation of Israel, also known as The Time of Jacob’s Trouble, The Great Tribulation of the Church and The Great Tribulation of the Unbelievers. Lets take a look at these three tribulations.

Jesus says that after the abomination is set up, there will come upon Israel, a tribulation such as never been. Lets read: Continue reading “THREE GREAT TRIBULATIONS – Part 3 (The Three great Tribulations)”

THREE GREAT TRIBULATIONS-Part 2 (The Abomination of Desolation)


We are continuing on our series on Mathew 24 and Luke 21. if you have not read part 1, please go back and start there.

Continue reading “THREE GREAT TRIBULATIONS-Part 2 (The Abomination of Desolation)”

SEVEN SEALS- PART1 (what are they)

Before we get into interpretation of the seven visions seen at the opening of the seven seals, we must first understand what the seals actually are, and what the sealed book is about.

This is what this presentation aims to do. To provide a sort of foundation that make the seals better understandable. Continue reading “SEVEN SEALS- PART1 (what are they)”